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Power & Sail Products

VETUS-Maxwell Inc.
7251 National Drive
Parkway Industrial Center
Hanover, Maryland 21076

Phone: 410 712 0740
Email: orders@maxwellamerica.com

Superyacht Products

Maxwell Marine International
Email: sysalesusa@vetus-maxwell.com

USA – North East – Power & Sail Products:

Marine Electric Systems
326 First Street Suite 400,
Annapolis, Maryland 21403

Phone: 410 263 0807
Email: info@MarineElectricSystems.net
Website: www.MarineElectricSystems.net
Territory: Maryland

Fawcett Boat Supplies
110 Compromise Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

Phone: 410 267 8681
Fax: 410 267 7547
Website: www.fawcettboat.com

8 Corporate drive
Cranbury, NJ 08521
United States of America

Phone: 888.453.5144
Fax: 551.237.7162
Email: info@boatid.com
Website: www.boatid.com/maxwell/

CWR Electronics
18 Butler Avenue
Bayville, NJ 08721-1776

Phone: 732 237 9300
Fax: 732 237 0484
Website: www.cwrelectronics.com

Hinckley Yacht Services
Little Harbor Landing
Portsmouth, RI 02871

Phone: 401 683 7100
Fax: 401 683 7117
Website: www.hinckleyyachts.com

Naiad Marine
DBA: Van Duesen & Meyer
50 Parrot Dr
Shelton, CT 06484-0558

Phone: 203 929 6355
Fax: 203 929 3594
Website: www.naiad.com
Hydraulic Systems

Defender Industries Inc
42 Great Neck Road
Waterford, CT 06385

Phone: 800 628 8225
Fax: 800 654 1616
Email: info@defender.com
Website: www.defender.com/maxwell.jsp

Lewis Marine Supply Of Greenport LI
East End Division
230 Corwin Street
Long Island, NY 11944

Phone: 516 477 1900
Fax: 516 477 1215
Website: www.lewismarine.com

West Marine

Phone: 800 262 8464
Website: www.westmarine.com

USA – South East – Power & Sail Products:

Lewis Marine of Pensacola
175 Olive Road
Pensacola, FL 32514

Phone: 904 477 8011
Fax: 904 478 3077
Website: www.lewismarine.com

2233 3rd Ave South
St. Petersburg
Florida 33712

Phone: 727 577 3220
Fax: 727 577 6816
Email: Sales@newjsi.com
Website: www.newjsi.com

Byfield Marine
175 Olive Road
Pensacola, FL 32514

Phone: 904 477 8011
Fax: 904 478 3077
Website: www.byfieldmarine.com

Florida Rigging & Hydraulics
3905 Investment Lane
Riviera Beach, FL 33404

Phone: 561 863 7444
Fax: 561 863 7711
Email: tim@rigginghydraulics.com
Website: www.rigginghydraulics.com

Lewis Marine
217 SW 32nd Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

Phone: 954 523 4371
Fax: 954 764 0185
Website: www.lewismarine.com

Vetus Marine
135 Imperial Street
Merritt Island, FL 32952

Phone: 321 454 3375
Fax: 321 452 7966
Website: www.vetusmarine.com

Glenmar Marine
6870 142nd Ave N
Largo, FL 34641

Phone: 813 536 1955
Fax: 813 539 1248
Website: www.glenmarmarine.com

Lewis Marine of Central Florida
709 Clear Lake Road
Cocoa, FL 32922

Phone: 407 632 8484
Fax: 407 631 4431

Vetus Marine
120 Little Nine Rd
Morehead City, NC28557

Phone: 252 222 5612
Fax: 252 222 5613
Website: www.vetusmarine.com

USA – North Central – Power & Sail Products:

West Marine

Phone: 800 262 8464
Website: www.westmarine.com

Marysville Marine
1551 Michigan Ave
Marysville, MI 48040

Phone: 810 364 7653
Fax: 810 364 4112
Website: www.marysvillemarine.com

Marysville Marine
1470 S Danbury Road
Port Clinton, OH 43452

Phone: 866 803 3104
Fax: 419 732 1874
Website: www.marysvillemarine.com

Wolf’s Marine
250 W Main Street
Benton Harbor, MI 49022

Phone: 296 926 1068
Fax: 206 926 1731
Website: www.wolfsmarine.com

Mike’s Marine Supply
24910 Jefferson Avenue
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

Phone: 586 778 3200
Fax: 586 778 1661
Website: www.mikesmarine.com

USA – South Central – Power & Sail Products:

Aer Marine Supply
2301 Nasa Rd #1
Seabrook, TX 77586

Phone: 800 767 7606
Fax: 281 474 2714

Donovan Marine
6316 Humphreys Street
Harahan, LA 70123

Phone: 504 488 5731
Fax: 504 734 2658

West Marine

Phone: 800 262 8464
Website: www.westmarine.com

USA – North West – Power & Sail Products:

Fisheries Supply
1900 N Northlake Way
Seattle, WA 98103

Phone: 800 426 6930
Fax: 206 634 4600
Website: www.fisheriessupply.com

West Marine

Phone: 800 262 8464
Website: www.westmarine.com

USA – South West – Power & Sail Products:

Aegis Marine
1602 Monrovia Avenue
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Phone: 949 631 3128
Fax: 949 631 0313
Website: www.mmimarine.com

Coast Marine
889 Production Place
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Phone office: 949-642-4550
Mobile phone: 949-903-0843

Website: http://coastmarine.com/
Email: service@coastmarine.com

Svendsens Marine
1851 Clement Ave
Alameda, CA 94501

Phone: 510 522 2886
Fax: 510 522 0870
Website: www.svendsens.com

Llewellyn Supply Co.
507 N Figueroa Street
Wilmington, CA 90744

Phone: 310 834 2508
Fax: 310 518 1480

West Marine

Phone: 800 262 8464
Website: www.westmarine.com

San Diego Marine Exchange
2636 Shelter Island Drive
San Diego, CA 92106

Phone: 619 223 7159
Fax: 619 223 1863
Website: www.sandiegomarine.com

Canada – Eastern – Power & Sail Products:

Stright-Mackay Ltd
209 Terra Cottaq Drive
Mew Glsgow, NS B2H 6A8

Phone: 902 928 1900
Fax: 902 928 1905
Website: www.stright-mackay.com

Transat Marine
Transat Marine (A Division of Western Marine)
70 Ellis Drive, Unit 1
Barrie, Ontario L4N 8Z3

Phone: 705 721 0143
Fax: 705 721 0747
Email: info@transatmarine.com

Canada – Western – Power & Sail Products:

Western Marine
1494 Powell Street
Vancouver BC V51 5B5

Phone: 604 253 7721
Fax: 604 253 2656
Website: westernmarine.com

Caribbean – Power & Sail Products:

Peake Trading Ltd
177 Western Main Road
Cocorite, Trinidad
WEst Indies

Phone: 868 622 7325
Fax: 868 622 7288
Website: www.peakeco.net

Marine Warehouse (Trinidad)
110 Western Main Road
Chaguaramas, Trinidad
West Indies

Phone: 868 634 4150
Fax: 868 634 4150
Website: www.marinewarehouse.net

Dockyard Electrics
Chaguaramas Terminals Drive
Chaguaramas, Trinidad
West Indies

Phone: 868 634 4272
Fax: 868 634 4933
Website: www.dockyardelectrics.com
Territory: Trinidad

Marine Warehouse (Antigua)
Antigua Yacht Club Marina
Falmouth Harbour, Antigua
West Indies

Phone: 268 463 2682
Fax: 268 562 2225
Website: www.marinewarehouse.net

Marine Warehouse N.V. (St. Maarten)
Lagoon Marina
Wellington Road 33, Cole Bay
St. Maarten, Netherland Antilles

Phone: 599 544 5210
Fax: 599 544 5210
Website: www.marinewarehouse.net

Marine Warehouse (Curacao)
Seru Boca Marina
Njeuwpoort, Curacao
Netherlands Antilles

Phone: 5999 560 2599
Fax: 5999 767 9003
Website: www.marinewarehouse.net

Martinez Marine Service
Puerto del Rey Marine Ste #2
Plaza del Puerto, Fajardo PR 00738

Phone: 787-863-4646
Fax: 787-860-0032
Email: martinezmarine@hotmail.com
Website: www.martinezmarine.com

Caribbean – Superyacht Products:


Power & Sail Products

VETUS-Maxwell Inc.
7251 National Drive
Parkway Industrial Center
Hanover, Maryland 21076

Phone: 410 712 0740
Email: orders@maxwellamerica.com

Superyacht Products

Maxwell Marine International
Email: sysalesusa@vetus-maxwell.com

USA – North East – Power & Sail Products:

Hinckley Yacht Services
Little Harbor Landing
Portsmouth, RI 02871

Phone: 401 683 7100
Fax: 401 683 7117
Website: www.hinckleyyachts.com

Marine Electric Systems
326 First Street Suite 400,
Annapolis, Maryland 21403

Phone: 410 263 0807
Email: info@MarineElectricSystems.net
Website: www.MarineElectricSystems.net
Territory: Maryland

Yacht MD Marine Service
26 Cherry Street
Central Islip, NY 11722

Phone: 631 348 9463
Fax: 631 348 9465
Contact: Robert Zimmerman

USA – South East – Power & Sail Products:

Coast Marine
889 Production Place
Newport Beach, CA 92663

Phone office: 949-642-4550
Mobile phone: 949-903-0843

Website: http://coastmarine.com/
Email: service@coastmarine.com

Florida Rigging & Hydraulics
3311 South Andrews Avenue
Ft Lauderdale,Fl 33316

Phone: +1 800-718-1649
Email: tim@rigginghydraulics.com
Website: www.rigginghydraulics.com

Galati Yachts
12030 N. Gandy Blvd
St. Petersburg, FL 33702

Phone: 727 576 8336
Fax: 727 576 9806
Website: www.galatiyachts.com

2233 3rd Ave South
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Phone: 727 577 3220
Fax: 727 577 6816
Email: sales@newjsi.com
Website: www.newjsi.com

Florida Rigging & Hydraulics
3905 Investment Lane
Riviera Beach, FL 33404

Phone: 561 863 7444
Fax: 561 863 7711
Email: tim@rigginghydraulics.com
Website: www.rigginghydraulics.com

Galati Yachts
1010 8th Ave S.
Naples, FL 34102

Phone: 239 430 2833
Fax: 239 261 5312
Website: www.galatiyachts.com

Sigma Marine
1244 North Pinellas Avenue
Tarpon Springs
Florida 34689Fax: +1-727-938-2646
Email: sigmamarine.service@yahoo.com
Territory: Florida

Galati Yachts
126 Harbor Blvd
Destin, FL 32541

Phone: 850 654 1575
Fax: 850 650 1700
Website: www.galatiyachts.com

Galati Yachts
900 South Bay Blvd | PO Box 862
Anna Maria, FL 34216

Phone: 941 778 0755
Fax: 941 778 2300
Website: www.galatiyachts.com

USA – South East – Superyacht Products:

C-Systems and Services, Inc.
170 NE 32nd Court
Oakland Park, Florida 33334

Phone: +1 (954) 772 1200
Mobile: +1 (954) 773 4428
Email: pbrown@csshydraulics.com
Website: www.csshydraulics.com/
Contact: Patrick Brown

Florida Rigging & Hydraulics
3905 Investment Lane
Riviera Beach, FL 33404

Phone: 561 863 7444
Fax: 561 863 7711
Email: tim@rigginghydraulics.com
Website: www.rigginghydraulics.com

USA – North Central – Power & Sail Products:

Crowley’s Yacht Yard
3434 E 95th Street
Chicago, ILL 60617

Phone: 773 221 9990
Fax: 773 734 2041
Website: www.crowleys.com

Wolf’s Marine
250 W Main Street
Benton Harbor, MI 49022

Phone: 296 926 1068
Fax: 206 926 1731
Website: www.wolfsmarine.com

USA – North West – Power & Sail Products:

Emerald Harbor Marine
2601 W Marine Pl, Suite T
Seattle, WA 98199

Phone: 206 285 3632
Fax: 206 285 0713
Email: larry@emharbor.com
Website: www.emeraldharbormarine.com
Contact: Larry Schildwachter
Territory: Northwest

USA – South West – Power & Sail Products:

Flagship Marine
3048 Shady Park Drive
Long Beach, CA 90808

Phone: 562-434-4773
Cellphone: 562-743-4666
Fax: 562-496-4316
Email: flagshipmarine@gmail.com
Contact: Dave Smith

Canada – Eastern – Power & Sail Products:

Stright-Mackay Ltd
209 Terra Cottaq Drive
Mew Glsgow, NS B2H 6A8

Phone: 902 928 1900
Fax: 902 928 1905
Website: www.stright-mackay.com

Transat Marine
Transat Marine (A Division of Western Marine)
70 Ellis Drive, Unit 1
Barrie, Ontario L4N 8Z3

Phone: 705 721 0143
Fax: 705 721 0747
Email: info@transatmarine.com

Canada – Western – Power & Sail Products:

Pro-Tech Yacht Services
1629 Columbia St.
North Vancouver, BC.
V7J1A5 Canada

Phone: 604-988-3052
Fax: 604-988-3059
Email: pip@pro-tech.bc.ca
Territory: Western Canada

Western Marine
1494 Powell Street
Vancouver BC V51 5B5

Phone: 604 253 7721
Fax: 604 253 2656
Website: westernmarine.com

Caribbean – Power & Sail Products:

Martinez Marine Service
Puerto del Rey Marine Ste #2
Plaza del Puerto, Fajardo PR 00738

Phone: 787-863-4646
Fax: 787-860-0032
Email: martinezmarine@hotmail.com
Website: www.martinezmarine.com

Caribbean – Superyacht Products:

Island Rigging & Hydraulics
8186 Sub Base, Suite 4
St. Thomas, USVI 00802

Phone: +1 (340) 7745024
Cellphone: 340 6432276
Fax: 340 774 5024
Email: info@islandriggingvi.com
Website: www.islandriggingvi.com
Contact: Chris Briggs


Power & Sail Products

VETUS-Maxwell Inc.
7251 National Drive
Parkway Industrial Center
Hanover, Maryland 21076

Phone: 410 712 0740
Email: orders@maxwellamerica.com

Superyacht Products

Maxwell Marine International
Email: sysalesusa@vetus-maxwell.com

USA – North East – Power & Sail Products:

CWR Electronics
18 Butler Avenue
Bayville, NJ 08721-1776

Phone: 732 237 9300
Fax: 732 237 0484
Website: www.cwrelectronics.com

Paxton Company
1111 Ingleside Road
Norfolk, VA 23502-5608

Phone: 757 853 6781
Fax: 757 853 7709

Freeport Marine
47 W Merrick Road
Freeport, NY 11520

Phone: 516 379 2610
Fax: 516 379 2909
Website: www.freeportmarine.com

Port Supply

Phone: 800 825 7678
Website: www.portsupply.com

Lewis Marine Supply Of Greenport LI
East End Division
230 Corwin Street
Long Island, NY 11944

Phone: 516 477 1900
Fax: 516 477 1215
Website: www.lewismarine.com

Seacoast Distributors LLC.
105 Wartburg Ave.
Copiague, NY 11726

Phone: 631 842 2338
Fax: 631 842 2021
An Afilliate of MESCO

USA – South East – Power & Sail Products:

Byfield Marine
175 Olive Road
Pensacola, FL 32514

Phone: 904 477 8011
Fax: 904 478 3077
Website: www.byfieldmarine.com

Lewis Marine
709 Clear Lake Road
Cocoa, FL 32922

Phone: 321 632 8484
Fax: 321 631 4431
Website: www.lewismarine.com

D S Hull Company Inc.
3377 SW 2nd Ave
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315-3326

Phone: 954 463 3407
Fax: 954 527 4173
Territory: Ft. Lauderdale Florida

Lewis Marine
217 SW 32nd Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315

Phone: 954 523 4371
Fax: 954 764 0185
Website: www.lewismarine.com

Glenmar Marine
6870 142nd Ave N
Largo, FL 34641

Phone: 813 536 1955
Fax: 813 539 1248
Website: www.glenmarmarine.com

Port Supply

Phone: 800/825-7678
Website: www.portsuppply.com

USA – North Central – Power & Sail Products:

Port Supply

Phone: 800 825 7678
Website: www.portsupply.com

USA – South Central – Power & Sail Products:

Aer Marine Supply
2301 Nasa Rd #1
Seabrook, TX 77586

Phone: 800 767 7606
Fax: 281 474 2714

Port Supply

Phone: 800 825 7678
Website: www.portsupply.com

USA – North West – Power & Sail Products:

Fisheries Supply
1900 N Northlake Way
Seattle, WA 98103

Phone: 800 426 6930
Fax: 206 634 4600
Website: www.fisheriessupply.com

USA – North West – Superyacht Products:

USA – South West – Power & Sail Products:

Llewellyn Supply Co.
507 N Figueroa Street
Wilmington, CA 90744

Phone: 310 834 2508
Fax: 310 518 1480

Port Supply
500 Westridge Drive
Watsonville, CA 95076

Phone: 800 538 0775
408 728 2700
Fax: 408 728 2736
Website: www.portsupply.com

Seawide Marine
760 West 16th Street
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Phone: 949 645 5882
Fax: 949 645 7204

Canada – Eastern – Power & Sail Products:

Transat Marine
Transat Marine (A Division of Western Marine)
70 Ellis Drive, Unit 1
Barrie, Ontario L4N 8Z3

Phone: 705 721 0143
Fax: 705 721 0747
Email: info@transatmarine.com

Canada – Western – Superyacht Products:

Western Marine
1494 Powell Street
Vancouver BC V51 5B5

Phone: 604 253 7721
Fax: 604 253 2656
Website: westernmarine.com


Power & Sail Products

VETUS-Maxwell Inc.
7251 National Drive
Parkway Industrial Center
Hanover, Maryland 21076

Phone: 410 712 0740
Email: orders@maxwellamerica.com

Superyacht Products

Maxwell Marine International
Email: sysalesusa@vetus-maxwell.com

USA – North East – Power & Sail Products:

ComMar Sales
1445 Main Road, PO box 273
Tiverton, RI 02878

Phone: 401 624 4880
Fax: 401 624 4898
Website: www.commar.com

VETUS-Maxwell Inc.
7251 National Drive
Parkway Industrial Center
Hanover, Maryland 21076

Phone: 410 712 0740
Fax: 410 712 0985
Email: orders@maxwellamerica.com
Email: sales-service@vetus.com

USA – South East – Power & Sail Products:

Commar Sales LLC
1445 Main Road
Rhode Island 02878

Phone: +1 800 343 7979
Email: info@commar.com

USA – South East – Superyacht Products:

Maxwell Marine International
Email: sysalesusa@vetus-maxwell.com

USA – North Central – Power & Sail Products:

Great Lakes Marine Marketing
3639 Woodside Drive
Traverse City
Michigan 49684

Cellphone: +1 231 922 1505
Email: jon@glmmarketing.com
Contact: Mr Jon Wall
Territories: Northern Michigan, Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota

Great Lakes Marine Marketing
479 S. Lightner Road
Port Clinton
Ohio 43452

Phone: +1 419 734 5335
Cellphone: +1 419 707 0533
Fax: +1 419 734 9813
Email: randy@glmmarketing.com
Contact: Mr Randy Dykstra
Territories: South Eastern Michigan, Ohio and Indiana

Great Lakes Marine Marketing
238 S. Harmony Drive
Wisconsin 53545

Cellphone: +1 608 449 0233
Email: chris@glmmarketing.com
Contact: Mr Chris Aruta
Territories: Southern Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa and Kansas

USA – South Central – Power & Sail Products:

ComMar Sales
Corporate Office
1445 Main Road, PO box 273
Tiverton, RI 02878

Phone: 401 624 4880
Fax: 401 624 4898
Website: www.commar.com
Contact: Doug Sanders

Canada – Western – Superyacht Products:

Barr Leonard Company
17907 NE 19th Place
Bellevue, WA 98008

Phone: 425 641 6844
Cellphone: 425 864 0247
Fax: 206 337 1942
Email: steve_l@barrleonard.com
Contact: Steve Leonard
Territories: Western Canada, Oregon, Washington

Western Marine
1494 Powell Street
Vancouver BC V51 5B5

Phone: 604 253 7721
Fax: 604 253 2656
Website: westernmarine.com